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The Creator's Manual
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Offering over $4,000 in bonuses if people buy

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Grass Fed Beef

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Your Links Resources

If you just want to send everyone to my free e-course page you can just cut and paste the link of your affiliate ID you got in your first email. That will automatically take them there.

If you want better results, below are the links you can create and cut and paste into emails, your website and other places to promote my products. Make sure you change the XXXXXX to your affiliate ID you received in the first email when you joined my affiliate program.

The XXXXXX's are your Affiliate ID you got in your welcome email

This generic link will automatically send people to my sign up page for me free e-courses. -

This is great because I do all the work for you. You are sending people to get this free course that gives them GREAT information. You are not trying to get them to buy anything.

Then if/when they buy something from me, you get a percentage of all future sales.

The information I share with people is great so many of them usually take my recommendations and purchase additional products from me.

If you want to send people directly to other pages on my websites I teach you how to do this below.


You can change your generic link to send people anywhere on my websites you want by simply adding after your affiliate ID

Like your generic link ending in AFID=XXXXXX&u=www.the URL of where you want them to you can even use text after the forward slash if you need.htm

Just type in the exact URL that your web browser displays when you are on the page you want peopel to end up at after the &u=

For example, lets say you just wanted to send people to purchase my Stored Emotional Baggage CD's:

You would put your generic link and then put the URL or web address of where you want them to go like this

Except you would put it all on one line

Or You want to send people to my dieting e-book to purchase

But again, all on one line

Or you want to send people to purchase my Creator's Manual Book

And again, all on one line

Now here is a neat little free trick. You can turn those long URL's into smaller ones by going to

Simply copy and paste the URL you want and they will make a short one like

This makes it very managable to put the links anywhere.

The links to the left (and up) are places you can send people to directly purchase my products you are recommending. Simply Click on the links and copy the URL in your browser window and add it to your generic link with &u=

The easiest way to make money is to send people to sign up for my free e-courses. I will then do all the "selling" for you.

My Diet e-book at

is also a great place to send people. I let them download and try my ebook for only $1. Then after they have proved to themselves my book works, they pay me the rest. And you get paid on both amounts.

You can send people to any of my websites with any page on any of the websites. My websites are:

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
Dr (at)
Just replace the (at) with @


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